What is Friday 13th in the Pottery?
Friday October 13th
Join us from 7-9pm in the Pottery and help us celebrate Friday 13th! In celebration of this special October Friday 13th, we will be making Ghoul Cup. What is a Ghoul Cup you ask? Master Potter James throws each of the cups by hand on the potters wheel and then you will get to crate your very own ghoul face on the outside. Step by step instructions will be given on how to add the eyes, mouth and other details. The Cups will remain in the studio for about 2-3 weeks so that they can be glazed and fired. The cups will absolutely be safe to used and can be put in the dishwasher! The total price for the class is $60. This includes everything. To sign up there is a $30 deposit to ensure you will be coming and you will pay the remaining $30 in cash when you arrive. Sign up now! Space is limited to only 20 people!
What to expect!
The Full Moon in the Pottery and other events are special because they are my most affordable events. We have a group of about 20-30 people gathered either inside the studio or outside in the courtyard. We offer specific instruction on the project but the fun part is allowing yourself to get creative and go wild. Students are always surprised what they come up with! Im always impressed with how creative everyone is! Its BYOB and space is limited so you must sign up now!
This is my most popular class as it is my most affordable class! Objects will remain in the studio for 2-3 weeks to be finished and fired. You will be notified when they are ready to be picked up! Sign up now as we fill up fast!